Debby Thalita Nabila Putri Thalita

Debby Thalita Nabila Putri is a researcher at ICEL, where she leads Public Outreach and Resource Mobilization. She specializes in advancing transparency and accountability within the energy sector and open government initiatives. Debby plays a pivotal role in policy reform and capacity building, including designing and implementing training programs for judges and environmental supervision officers. Her innovative work integrates Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) into legal frameworks and manages the I-LEAD portal, Indonesia’s first environmental case law database. Her efforts focus on fostering collaborative, data-driven approaches to address global challenges and drive transformative change.

Monday - September 02, 2024

14:00 - 16:00 PM
Mangupura Hall, Bali International Convention Centre (BICC)

High-Level Plenary Session “Building Bridges: Unlocking the Full Potential of Global South through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships”

Prabowo Subianto | Xanana Gusmão | Suharso Monoarfa | Guylain Nyembo Mbwizya | Rebeca Grynspan | Rosan Roeslani | BIN Troachhey | Francisco de Asís Aguilera Aranda