Belinda Arunarwati Margono

Dr. Ir. RA Belinda Arunarwati Margono, M.Sc is a executive secretary of Geospatial Information Agency. She has the main task of ensuring the coordination of implementation, training and providing administrative support to all organizational elements within Geospatial Information Agency. Belinda has several scientific works including the Indonesia Report on REDD+ Performance and the Indonesia Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) publish in 2018.

Monday - September 02, 2024

14:00 - 16:00 PM
Mangupura Hall, Bali International Convention Centre (BICC)

High-Level Plenary Session “Building Bridges: Unlocking the Full Potential of Global South through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships”

Prabowo Subianto | Xanana Gusmão | Suharso Monoarfa | Guylain Nyembo Mbwizya | Rebeca Grynspan | Rosan Roeslani | BIN Troachhey | Francisco de Asís Aguilera Aranda