Erik Wijkström
Head of Technical Barriers to Trade in the WTO Trade and Environment Division

Mr Erik Wijkström joined the WTO in 1995. He has broad experience in several areas of trade policy relating to standards and regulations, including agriculture, sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS Agreement), trade and environment, as well as trade and health. He is currently Head of the Section for Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) in the Trade and Environment Division of the WTO. Mr Wijkström has a master’s degree in agriculture and economics from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, in Uppsala (Sweden)

Tuesday - September 03, 2024

11:00 - 12:30 PM
Auditorium, Bali International Convention Centre (BICC)

Developing Pathway for Circular Economy: Enhancing Collaboration to Strengthen Global Circular Value Chains

Vivi Yulaswati | Erik Wijkström | Latifahaida Abdul Latif | Mohamad Bijaksana Junerosano | Adrian T.H. Kuah | Shunta Yamaguchi