Henrique Pacini
Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD

Henrique Pacini is an economist at UNCTAD, where he focuses on trade and the circular economy. He is a member of the leadership team for the UK-FCDO/UNCTAD SMEP programme, which was initiated by UK Aid to address pollution in manufacturing sectors across Africa and Asia, including the plastics industry. In this role, he manages policy linkages within a USD 31 million portfolio, encompassing 22 field projects aimed at reducing pollution in trade-exposed sectors in Africa and South Asia.

Pacini holds degrees in Economics and European Studies, as well as a Ph.D. in Energy Technology. He completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard University, where he researched global networks of plastic scrap trade and co-chaired the institution's inaugural Circular Economy Symposium. He published over 30 articles on environmental issues, in special the connections between circular economy and trade.

Tuesday - September 03, 2024

11:00 - 12:30 PM
Auditorium, Bali International Convention Centre (BICC)

Developing Pathway for Circular Economy: Enhancing Collaboration to Strengthen Global Circular Value Chains

Vivi Yulaswati | Erik Wijkström | Latifahaida Abdul Latif | Mohamad Bijaksana Junerosano | Adrian T.H. Kuah | Shunta Yamaguchi