Shashwat Koirala
Economist/Policy Analyst, Sustainable Ocean, OECD
Shashwat is an Economist in the Development Co-operation Directorate of the OECD. By generating evidence and providing policy advice, his work seeks to equip development co-operation providers and developing countries to make headway on Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. His areas of expertise are sustainable ocean economies, structural transformation and the low-carbon transition, and development finance. He currently leads the OECD’s Sustainable Ocean for All Initiative. In this capacity, he works on estimating the magnitude and distribution of ocean-related development finance, carrying out country-level policy research and advice (namely, through the OECD Sustainable Ocean Country Diagnostics and the Blue Recovery Hubs), and conducting thematic analyses (e.g., on plastic pollution, private finance mobilisation for the ocean economy). He is also currently leading the development of the OECD Guidance for Development Co-operation for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, which strives to establish common principles to inform effective ocean-related development interventions.