Sheryl Loh
Senior Project Manager, The International Advisory Services of Frankfurt School, Germany

With 15 years of experience in financial sector development including sustainable and climate finance, Microfinance, MSME lending and foreign direct investment with experience in Europe, Central and South-East Asia and Africa, Ms Loh has worked with international financial institutions including ADB, EBRD, EIB, EU, GIZ, KfW and UNDP to support banks and microfinance institutions in growing their MSME portfolios, green and sustainable finance portfolios, ESG strategy development implementation as well as tailor-made capacity building programs.

She currently undertakes expert assignments under the Social Inclusive Finance Technical Assistance programme focusing on microfinance and social enterprise finance providers. She is also representing Frankfurt School on the NetZeroCities EU Mission Platform which supports EU-cities in achieving climate neutrality through strengthening financial and sectoral infrastructure.

Sheryl also supports the continuous curriculum enhancement of Frankfurt School’s e-learning course on ESG and Impact Investing and lectures at the annual Frankfurt School Summer Academy.

Tuesday - September 03, 2024

15:30 - 17:00 PM
Medan Room, Bali International Convention Centre (BICC)

Empowering Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Strengthening Micro-Financing for Inclusive and Impactful Development

Teten Masduki | Hani Abdelkader Elsadani | Allan Robert I. Sicat | Alok Misra | Sheryl Loh | Amam Sukriyanto