Yogie Arry
Founder Berikan Protein Initiative

Yogie Arry is a marine biotechnology innovator with over 10 years of experience in advancing the blue economy by developing high-value fishery processing industries, including collagen, fish protein hydrolysates, albumin and many more. His most groundbreaking achievement is the invention of the world's first fish-based milk, a pioneering solution for tackling stunting, malnutrition and poverty through his concept of "Protein Autonomy" to create a multiplier effect for improving nutrition, economic and social development. Driven by his deep commitment to sustainability, he leads several blue industry companies across Bintan, Bekasi, Indramayu, and Bandung. His passion for the ocean also led him to found the movement of "Berikan Protein" and "Lamun Warrior", aimed at restoring Indonesia's seagrass ecosystems and promoting the responsible use of marine resources.

Tuesday - September 03, 2024

09:00 - 10:30 AM
Auditorium, Bali International Convention Centre (BICC)

Unlocking the Blue Economy for Sustainable Growth: Creating Value and Promoting Investment to Improve Productivity

Manothong Vongsay | Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti | Hajime Ueda | Pedro Manuel Moreno | Shashwat Koirala | Youngso Kim | Yogie Arry