Joint Leaders Session HLF MSP 2024 and IAF II (President Invitation Only)

Monday, 2 September 2024
The Mulia Hotel & Resort, Nusa Dua Bali


“Forging Inclusive Partnerships for Our Resilient Growth”

The world is at a critical juncture, confronted with looming economic challenges and growing geopolitical rifts. Global economic growth is predicted to stay at 3.1% in 2024 and expected to increase only to 3.2% in 2025. Given the continued high prices of commodity globally, interest rates in many countries would also remain higher than anticipated. Hiking interest rates will increase pressure on developing countries, putting them at high risk of debt stress. Heightened geopolitical conflicts have further complicated these economic challenges. Geoeconomic fragmentation is predicted to cut global GDP by 7%.

Unfortunately, the international community lacks solidarity and effectiveness to respond to intensifying crises. Strained multilateralism disproportionately affects developing countries. A fractured global order has weakened commitment to support the economic development of developing countries and created unnecessary barriers for them to improve living standards. As a result, the inequality gap between developed and developing countries continues to worsen. Developing countries are struggling to climb up the development ladder, with increasingly limited resources and support as well as constrained opportunity.

Against this backdrop, it is timely to discuss, chart, and implement a new development course in this changing world. New, innovative and transformative policies and approaches should be urgently developed. Stronger commitments should be made. Solidarity, fairness and inclusivity should be nurtured.

In that context, to facilitate discussion regarding the urgency to reset international systems and enhance global solidarity, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia will convey the Joint Leaders’ Session of two important fora, which are (i) The High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships, and (ii) The 2nd Indonesia – Africa Forum.

The High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF-MSP) will facilitate discussion on how development cooperation and partnerships between stakeholders should be optimized to effectively ensure the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In light of the multifaceted global problems that face us today, accomplishing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its SDGs will require more than ever innovative actions and robust international cooperation. 

In the same vein, the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF 2), is intended as a platform to enhance cooperation between Indonesia, Africa, and the global community in the new global landscape to work hand in hand to harness untapped potential and transform both sides into global powerhouses in the future. 

Convening these two different events in parallel has a strong basis, as both fora have significant intersection and interconnection on a wide range of issues. In that context, the Joint Leaders’ Session will serve as a venue for Heads of State/Government to discuss strategic issues of both fora, as well as identify necessary policies and collective actions to address these issues.

The Joint Leaders’ Session would discuss issues including but not limited to the following matters of concern:

  1. Scaling up efforts to achieve the SDGs,
  2. Strengthening the Global South, and
  3. Reviving Global Solidarity

Chair will release a Chair’s Summary which will be published after the conclusion of the HLF-MSP and IAF 2.