Rising Sea Level: Strategic Responses for Sustainable Development

Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Mangupura Hall, Bali International Convention Centre (BICC)


Rising sea levels pose a significant threat to coastal communities, ecosystems, and economic stability. Addressing these impacts requires a coordinated and multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders. This side event will focus on discussing innovative solutions and collaborative strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of sea level rise in the Indo-Pacific region, with a special emphasis on data analytics, strategic foresight, and international cooperation.

The importance of this topic extends to geospatial politics within the Global South. Rising sea levels significantly impact geopolitical stability, migration patterns, and economic inequalities. Countries in the Global South, particularly those in the Indo-Pacific region, face unique challenges due to their geographic vulnerabilities and limited resources. Addressing sea level rise is crucial for ensuring regional stability and fostering equitable development.

Indonesia's experience with UN Global Pulse, supported by the Australian Government, in leveraging innovation, data analytics, and AI for sea level rise adaptation can be instrumental in assisting Pacific Island Countries in enhancing their resilience. Drawing from this experience and best practices, Indonesia can offer valuable support by developing innovative and contextualized strategies. Through South-South cooperation, Indonesia can collaborate with Pacific Island Countries to capitalize on effective models, provide decision support tools, facilitate access to investment, and develop comprehensive adaptation plans.

By working with international partners and with regional support, Indonesia can help Pacific Island Countries integrate innovation and cooperation within adaptation strategies, which is essential for effectively addressing the impacts of rising sea levels. Scaling up successful pilots and applying cutting-edge technologies, this effort will aim to assist Pacific Island nations in building resilience and adapting to the challenges posed by climate change.


